[OhMyLoft] New Theme: Videogames!

Hi designers!

Wake up your inner geek for this show and recreate the universe of your favourite videogame!

From Tuesday at 10AM (CET), you can register your Loft for the new theme: Videogames!

You have until Monday February 24th at 10:00 AM to make up the decor of your Loft room, make the most of it!


You can get more information on the board by clicking on “Details about the Show” on the upper right side of the OhMyLoft contest registration page.

You can also ask questions on the topic about the show.


To register this week, you have to use:

AT LEAST 1 element from the Basicshttp://www.ohmydollz.com/design/magasin/fr/officielle-2.png

– There needs to be a health bar, a score, a cursor or any other interface, as if the game would be running.

And you mustn’t use:

– Gifts you received from your friends

Have fun on #OhMyDollz!

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