iTCG: Card release: Ebony

To celebrate the arrival of our new World-Tree, we propose you this week a pre-builded Deck that will allow you to try a new playing style, obtaining some cards of the week. Come to discover until Sunday 28th July at 8 PM (French time) the deck Implacable nature” for only 999 Fee’z.

This Deck includes: EbonyKei’zanKoriaArachnophobia X3 – Back to the soil X3 – Our forest X3 – Reforestation X3 – Falling branches X3 – Hornet cloud X3 – Give life X2 – Decomposition X2 – Photosynthesis X3

Moreover, the reedited cards of the week are Kébèk and My name is legion.

Decomposition. Rare. Nature. Sap Heart. Nehantists. Mage. Permanent. Choose a character and attach to him this card. At the start of any turn, the holder has Attack -1 if the turn is even, otherwise Defense -1 and Spirit -1. Nehantist: this card becomes a Corruption Nehant Spell.

Erosion. Rare. Water. Stone linkers. Mage. Duration 4 turns: choose a character and attach to him this card. As this card activates and at the end of each turn he has Defense -1. Water Guemelite: at the end of the fourth turn he has Defense -4 until the end of the game.

Ebony. (2 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Uncommon. Sap Heart. Mage. Dais. Arbre-Monde. Spirit 3. Attack 4/7. Defense 2. Health points 14. At the end of the fight, gain 1 Health point per each of your active Nature Spells. Turns 2 and 5: Defense +1 and Spirit +2.

Heart Hit!. Uncommon. Earth. Stone linkers. Mage. Duration 2 fights. Defense +2 per each active “Earth Stone-heart”. As this card activates, your opponent suffers X physical damages, where X equals your Defense. Earth Guemelite: at the end of the second fight your opponent suffers X physical damages, where X equals your Defense. Chain.

Death-Tree. (2 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Common. Nehantists. Mage. Dais, Nehant Guemelite. Spirit 3. Attack 4/7. Defense 2. Health points 14. At the end of the fight, deal 1 Nehant Magic damage to the opposing character per each of your active Corruptions. Turns 2 and 5: Defense +2 and Spirit +1.

Give life. Common. Nature. Sap Heart. Mage. Duration 6 turns. Choose a character and attach to him this card. He gains 4 Health points. At the start of his fights, he gains 2 Health points.

Give death. Common. Corruption. Nehantists. Mage. Duration 6 turns. Choose a character and attach to him this card. He suffers 4 Magic damage points. At the end of any of his fights, he suffers 2 Magic damage points.

Kebek. (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution : Common. Desert Nomads. Warrior. Human. Immortel. Spirit 0. Attack 7/9. Defense 2. Health points 15. Gain Chain if you play a One handed Sword. At the end of the fight, “Kebek” will gain 1 Health point + 1 for every 4 Damage points he deals during the Turn. Turns 3, 4 and 6: Defense +1.

My name is legion. Common. Corruption. Nehantists. Mage. Attaches to the opposing character. Permanent. At the start of the turn, this character suffers X+1 magic damage points where X equals the number of characters who have at least one Corruption attached to them. If played by Nehant Guemelite: a copy of this card is created and attached to another opposing character.

Photosynthesis. Common. Light. Mage. Attack +1, Defense +1 and Spirit +1. A non-AoE Light or Nature Spell from your Hand is played.

Enjoy the game!

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