Category Archives: Poney Vallée

Vintage Poney: Barmaid

Discreet and zealous, smiling but firm, Barmaid works day and night to make coffee in the most welcoming hotel of the city. To achieve this, Barmaid can count with three secret ingredients: impeccable quality service, its most warm smile and … Continue reading

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New Set: Planet Neptune

Following her sister, Planet Neptune too arrived in the Valley, but an error occured during his incarnation, and he finished in the middle of Sagara. The many local tribes of Sagara believe that Planet Neptune is their Acquatic God, and … Continue reading

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New Set: Troubadour

The soft Poema maybe part of storytellings under foreign skies, but this doesn’t mean that its legacy has disappeared. Nobody knows its origin, but many Troubadours affirm that its tradition appeared on roads of Patura. Combining spell and music, these … Continue reading

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Vintage Poney : Aviator

Perseverant, the Aviator has only one goal, join the rainbow in the sky. Charmed since child by the mysterious of celestial phenomenon, the Aviator has always tried to get closer to his dreams. Working with a lots of new flying … Continue reading

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New Set: Surfer

Spring is here and the migration of St. Jacques shells has passed, it is now time for the spring swell!. Reducing the off huge waves, are dare to face it only the bravest ponies. Among them, daring, there is the … Continue reading

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New Set: Planet Pluto

From the top of the sky, looking at the ponies having fun together in the Valley, and tired of his solitary existence away from their sisters, Planet Pluto decided to embody Patura to make new friends. But is not that … Continue reading

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Vintage Poney : Étang

Spring is here, life is slowly but constantly rising up again, while the Étang’s riverbank get green again. This is very attractive for people that pass by his choppy and fresh water. As it’s getting warmer and warmer, everybody want … Continue reading

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New Set: Miss Cherry

The cherry’s season will start soon! So it’s time for Miss Cherry to take part in the Beauty Summer Contest. This new charming and malice competitor will make you discover all the secrets contained in the red small sweet spheres. … Continue reading

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New Set: Loli Doll

Sunny days are finally arrived! It’s time to go out and participate to the favourite’s pony activity: the summer beauty contests. The first competitor to participate is Loli Doll. Mixing avant-garde fashion and childhoodl universe, this participant presents her incredible … Continue reading

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Exclusive Poney Vintage: Susanoo

The Spirit of the storm and the sea, Susanoo, the brother of Amaterasu, has calmed down over time. It’s been several years since he passed the terrible serpent with eight heads and founded the beautiful city of Izumo. Yet Susanoo … Continue reading

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