[Packs] Autumn Witch Candy Hunts

Hello dollz

The wind is blowing and the yellowing leaves are beginning to fall from the trees in the cool autumn air.

In the distance, whispers can be heard in the darkness, and if you see a light in the night, flee before it’s too late!

For in the dark woods, they are always present…

Candy Hunt 2017

These packs will put you in the shoes of a ghostly witch, as well as in the atmosphere of an occult hut with its many elements for storing your potions and trinkets.


Candy Hunt 2018

Occult rituals and black magic are at work deep in the forest on icy nights. Beware of the lost or the curious who stumble across these mysterious fires and their cabalistic rites.


You can also get alternative versions of some of the scenery and the outfit, offered during the 2019 Candy Hunt.


These packs will be available until Thursday, 11:59 pm. (Paris time)


Put the magic in your lofts on OhMyDollz!

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