[Stores] Embody the Solar Star at Activitioner

Hello dollz

Are you enjoying the sunshine on this beautiful day?

Today is the perfect day to introduce you to this beautiful, colorful and radiant novelty.

Inspired by the star of the sun, Activitioner‘s graphic designer has created a detailed outfit for your dollz to embody the star’s luminous radiance.

Discover this new set, available in a wide range of colors to satisfy all your mystical outfit desires. The outfit is available with gold or silver accessories.


Find these elements now in the Stylist Center shop  https://www.ohmydollz.com/design/magasin/fr/stylist-1.png under the acronym https://www.ohmydollz.com/design/magasin/fr/102-1.png !

Enjoy the beauty of the Sun with Activitioner on OhMyDollz!

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