[Quest Replay] Indian colors

Hi dollz

This week, we invite you to recharge your batteries far from the cold and gloom, in a magnificent country of shimmering colors, an invitation to travel and discover!

We all feel the need to know our roots, to know where we come from and to which traditions we are linked.

In this new adventure, your doll comes back to her Indian origin. Freshly arrived in India, her country of birth, she will experience an unforgettable stay that will allow her to revive her roots and culture.

During this quest, you can win the Floating Palace room (or its extension if you already own the room), and a theme for this room.



Great gifts await you! Gradually, as you progress in the quest, gifts are more and more beautiful.

You will also be asked to answer riddles to win bonus gifts.




Information: There is no VIP week to be won during this replay.

Discover the color variations of the objects you will need for the quest at the Indian Shop.


You can replay this quest until Sunday at 11.59pm (Paris time).


Ready to discover the Indian colors on OhMyDollz?

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