[Quest Replay] Miami Beach – A VIP subscription for one week to win!

Hi Dollz

This week’s quest offers you the possibility to win a week of VIP subscription!

Here you are, an estate agent, looking for a house in Miami for one of your clients, the famous actor Brad Britte! Will you find the perfect place for this challenging man?

Celebrity and glory awaits you if you should succeed! Brad will tell all his friends about you and you will enter the world of celebrities and become a VIP at the end of this adventure.




Great gifts await you! Gradually, as you progress in the quest, gifts are more and more beautiful.

You will also be asked to answer riddles to win bonus gifts.



At the last stage of the quest, you can win the Veranda room or its extension, and a theme for this room. But you can also win one week of VIP subscription!

Important: The VIP week VIP won in this quest will not start as soon as you completed all stages, but will be credited on Tuesday, August 22, 2023.

If you already subscribed with a prepaid subscription, 7 days will be added to your remaining days. Those of you who have a weekly renewed subscription with Paypal and thus can not get more days, will recieve 400 Fee’z instead, which corresponds to the worth of the week you’ve won.

Discover the color variations of the objects you need for the quest in the Caribbean shop.


You can replay this quest until Sunday at 11.59pm (Paris time).


Ready to live your dream on OhMyDollz?

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