A nova Miss OhMyLoft!


As três vencedoras do concurso OhMyLoft são:
Miss OhMyLoft : locka (383 votos) will win a 10-day VIP membership, as well as a mega shopping session with access to all stores for 10 days and 150 $$$ To shop! She will also win the Miss OhMyLoft diploma, as well as 10 item multipliers, 10 tokens and 10 gift certificates!


Na segunda posição, nós temos : Jessica-Jackson (369 votos) will win 100 $$$, as well as 10 multipliers of objects, 10 tokens and 10 vouchers!


E na segunda posição : smelly (358 votos) will win 50 $$$, as well as 10 multipliers of objects, 10 tokens and 10 vouchers!


The 4th to the 10th runner-up will win 25 $$$!


Parabéns às grandes vencedoras!
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