[New] Big update in your inventory!

Hello Dollz,

The OMD team has a big surprise for you : We have re-organised your inventory !

Discover a new, refined and well-organised inventory with more options to manage easily  your Dollz’ clothes.


A refined design

The inventory page is now on a larger screen, as used for the shops, to make it more comfortable for you to use your items.

Above your inventory, you will find research filters per shops, tags or by aisles.

The research filters are connected to 2 spaces:
– A Flash space where you can visualize the items in their real size
– Below, a standard space to visualize them in your inventory.

When you click on an item in Flash space, the item will glow in both spaces. Therefore you can use the Flash space or the standard space to choose the items.

To choose an item you can click on the square box above it or on the item itself! It is way easier now!

Of course, you can select multiple items at once.


Another new set up: You can now change the color of the background as you wish.

If you can’t see an item because of its color, use the option below the Flash space to change the background’s color and clearly visualize your item.


Few small details have been changed to make it more user-friendly!

-When you duplicate an item, you will now stay on the same page, without losing your research filters.
-Your items are listed from the newest to the oldest, but you can change the order as you wish with this buttonhttp://blog.feerik.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/inverse_off-e1486475212649.png.
The order will remain as changed, the next time you come to your inventory.

Your personal space: The inventory

The big difference is the creation of a new personal inventory, hidden and invisible for the other players and separate from your rooms.

When an item is placed in this inventory, it can’t be seen in other rooms. It will be “invisible”, hidden.

No more messy and overloaded rooms with gifts and unused items!

From now on, every gift and item you earn will automatically be placed in this inventory.

You can also use the attic to tidy up your rooms and stock your items. It is hidden to the other players and will help you organize your items.

To delete an item, click on the button http://www.ohmydollz.com/design2012/affaires/delete_cross.png  or, select multiple items and click on the button “Delete the selection” below the page.

Beware! The removal is PERMANENT! If you want to put aside an item for later, use your personal inventory or your attic!

Bookmark your favorite items. 

A new tab is now available in your inventory: My favorites!

“My favorites” tab will appear in yellow. (The pink one is your inventory and the blue, your creations).


When you bookmark an item, it will automatically be placed in this tab, so that you can find quickly.

To bookmark an item, click on the star  http://www.ohmydollz.com/design2012/fiche/etoile_metier.png up left of the item. The star will turn yellow http://www.ohmydollz.com/design2012/fiche/etoiledoree_metier.png  to confirm the bookmark .

Click on the yellow star, if you wish to remove it from the favorites tab.

You can also select multiple items and click on the button “Bookmark the selection”, to place them in your favorites or the button “remove the selection” to delete them from the tab.

Enjoy your new inventory on OhMyDollz!

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