[OhMyLoft] Special theme: organize the anniversary party !

The world of OhMyDollz is wildly excited! The time has come to celebrate the game’s anniversary!
Oh yes! 9 years already! That thought doesn’t make me younger…

Did you know that all over the world, according to customs and traditions, this happy event isn’t celebrated in the same way? Each country, each people celebrates in its own way, for some it’s a party, a celebration, for others it’s a ritual, a ceremony.

For all, it’s a gathering, a moment shared within a community, may it be family, friends, under the kindly look of the tribe or even in public… For all, it’s a moment of sharing.

OhMyDollz’ anniversary is something the team wants to share with you! For us this anniversary is also yours! Thanks for all these years spent in your company!

How will we celebrate together our anniversary party?


For this theme, be original by imagining an anniversary party in a realistic or fantasy scene!

Join the theme “Organize the anniversary party!” by registering your loft from Tuesday, 16th August at 10 am.
Registrations will close Monday, 22nd August at 10 am, so take your time to prepare your creation!


ATTENTION : Gains exceptionnels pour ce OhMyLoft spécial Anniversaire 2016 !

The Miss OhMyLoft will win a mega shopping session with an access to all the stores for 9 days and 150 $$$ to enjoy it! She will also get the Miss OhMyLoft degree, as well as 3 item multipliers, 3 tokens and 3 great gifts!

The second winner will win 100 $$$, as well as 3 item multipliers, 3 tokens and 3 great gifts!

The third winner will win 50 $$$, as well as 3 item multipliers, 3 tokens and 3 great gifts!

4th to 10h positions will win 25 $$$!

To register for this loft show you will need to meet the following requirements:

Store Requirements:
– Use at least 2 elements from Sarah’s Shop    http://www.ohmydollz.com/design/magasin/fr/sarah-1.png

Atmosphere Requirements:
– An anniversary scene
– At least 1 party balloon
– At least 1 flame for the anniversary candles
– At least 1 ribbon for the gift or surprise

– Gifts between friends,  playtem gifts and those of the gazette
– Ready-made lofts / dollz *

* WARNING: will be considered as “ready-made” dressed models and non-customized lofts. You must customize your Quest models to at least 50% and  not use ready-made items sets for your loft.

Which party will be the most amazing on OhMyDollz?

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