New cards have been released on Eredan iTCG:
Distorted Flawseeker. Rare. War Spell. Kotoba. Mage. Tsoutai. Deals 1 direct damage point to all opposing characters for each one of your characters wearing a “The Flawseeker’s…” card. Chain.
Kitsana. (3 evolutions in all). On its last evolution: Uncommon. Kotoba. Mage. Human. War Guemelite. Tsoutai. Spirit 2. Attack 6/9. Defense 3. Lebenspunkte 14. Your non-multi class Mages have Spirit +1 until the end of the game. Each time that “Distorted Flawseeker” or “The Flawseeker’s Meditation” activates, “Kitsana” is healed by 2 Health points. Turns 5 or less: Kitsana and her opponent can not be healed in battle.
Kamakura. Uncommon. Sword. Kotoba. Tsoutai. Duration 3 turns. Spirit +1. Tsoutai: Each time a “The Flawseeker’s…” card is played, an opposing Item attached to a character is discarded.
The following cards are reeditions of older cards:
The Flawseeker’s Protection. Uncommon. Action. Permanent. Attaches to a character who isn’t wearing “The Flawseeker’s Protection”. The holder has Defense +2 if he is Kotoba. After having played his cards, a “The Flawseeker’s Protection” card is created and played. Mage: Chain.
The Flawseeker’s Mastery. Uncommon. War Spell. Kotoba. Mage. Tsoutai. Deals X magic damage points to the opposing character where X equals your character’s Spirit +2 for each other active “The Flawseeker’s…” card.
These cards are now available in the Newcomers Booster.
Enjoy the game!