iTCG: Rust and Troubles!

The Rusty

From now on and until 08/15/2013 09:00 AM (French time), a new trophy is available.

You can take part in this trophy during that precise lapse of time, after that it will not be available anymore. You can also buy this trophy for 199 Fee’z and acquire the title and the card associated with it.

Play 25 games during which you have, at a given moment, at least 2 items attached to one of your characters.

You will earn the card named Rust and Troubles and the title: The Rusty.

Rust and Troubles: Action. Collector. Unique. Discard a card attached to any character, and 2 Items of any Discar Pile are removed from the game. Golem: Defense -1 and Attack +3 until the end of the game.

Enjoy the game!

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