iTCG: Cards withdrawn from the NewComer Booster

From tomorrow onwards, the card release of January 2nd 2013, will not be available in the NewComer Booster.

Here is the list of cards concerned:

Aleshane. (3 evolutions in all) . On its last evolution: Rare. Character. Sap Heart. Warrior. Elfine. Spirit 1. Attack 6/8. Defense 2. Health points 15. Gain Chain if you play a Bow.

Deals an additional attack equal to his printed Attack.

The opposing characters have Defense -2 after turn 2.

Turns 1, 2 and 4: a Bow from your Deck is placed in your Hand.

Falling branches . Rare. Nature Spell. Mage. Your opponent has Attack -2 and Spirit -1.

At the end of the fight, he suffers 4 magic damage.

Daïs: +X additional magic damage where X equals your Spirit, this card is placed in your Deck at the end of the fight.

Double Bow. Uncommon. Two Hand Weapon Item Bow. Peu commune. Objet Arme à deux mains Arc. Cœur de Sève, Combattant, Elfine. Permanent. Attaque +1 et Défense +1. A l’activation, une Flèche de votre Main est jouée.

Curved shot. Uncommon. Action. Sap Heart. Choose a card attached to an opposing character. It is discarded.

If one of your characters has a Bow attached to him, Chain and you can choose among all the cards attached to characters.

Caffeine. Common. Action. Sap Heart. Duration 2 turns. Choose a character and attach this card to him, he gains 2 to 4 Health points. At the end of the turn, he is untapped.

World-Tree: Chain.

Sharp arrows. Common. Arrow item. Sap Heart, Warrior. Duration 4 turns. This card is attached to your opponent. +1 to damage suffered.

If you are wearing a Bow, choose the character this card is attached to.

Vibrating arrows. Common. Arrow item. Sap Heart, Warrior. Duration 6 turns. This card is attached to your opponent. Defense -1.

If you are wearing a Bow, choose the character this card is attached to.

Chain Arrow.

Card modification

– The Piercing arrows card is now an Arrow Item.

Enjoy the game!

Eredan iTCG, the Trading Card Game.

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