Vintage Pony: Dragon of Chaos

Every week, a vintage pony is back with us. On that occasion a former set is relaunched and we add an element to it. What’s more, during that week, there is a -15% special offer on the set plus each time you send an element of the set (or the whole set) as a gift to another player you win that element for yourself.

The rumbling of thunder is getting more and more loud on the southern frontier between Pyron and Patura. It’s soon gonna rain fire on Discordia.

During these very particular storms, which destroy the lands, very few creatures dare flying in the skies and those who do never come back to earth unhurt. Except for the Dragon of Chaos.

He flies joyfully in the inflamed tornado, happy to be part of the chaotic fury of elements.

What about you, do you like going out in the rain?

PoneyVallee, the magic pony game.
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