Miss Eredan Second Round

Coranthia, Nemaria worshiper et Saphyra the Zil are ready for this “Miss Eredan” round! Both of them count on your support!

Course of the events:

Short reminder about the way the election of Miss Eredan is organized:

– You can vote only once.

– When you vote you gain a tombola ticket.

Proof of vote : lottery. This proof that you have voted might enable you to win one of the 10 “Miss Eredan” cards at stake. The drawing of lots set up to thank players who have voted will take place on Wednesday 9th May, the day of the enthronement of the new Miss.

– The second round from Mai 4 th to Mai 7th, will end at noon (French time). You can choose your favorite and win a second proof of vote.

– We will then make an exclusive Illustration of the last evolution of Miss Eredan!

– And the drawing of lots? Well, the 10 players chosen at random amongst those who have a proof of vote will win the new Miss Eredan!

Don’t worry, you don’t need a voter card!

Enjoy the Game!

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