iTCG : Sapient, Oracle of Orpiance / Flammara

Runic Legion

The Runic Legion comes to light with the apparition of a new priest character: Sapient, Oracle of Orpiance. This new guild’s gameplay fills out with cards that globally reinforce runic decks.

Sapient, Oracle of Orpiance. (and his two evolutions). Rare. Character. Runic legion. Archon. Priest. Human. Male. Spirit 2. Attack 5/6. Defense 2. Health points 12. At the end of the fight, your Runic Priests have Attack +1 until the end of the game.Turns 1, 4 and 6: Attack -1 and Defense +2.

Runic training. Rare. Action. Humans. Defense +2. Defense +2. Chain. 2 Cor Runes: your Runic have Attack +3 until the end of the game. Nox Rune: Draw 2 extra cards during the next draw phase. 3 Runic cards from your Discard pile are placed in your Deck.

Aura of the goddess. Uncommon. Runic Theurgy. Priest. Defense +2 and Spirit +2. Chain Runic Theurgy. Cor Rune: at the end of the fight, this card is placed in your Deck. Nox Rune: Attack +X where X equals your character’s Spirit.

Sword of Dame Ockles. Uncommon. Runic Theurgy. Runic Legion. Priest. This card is attached to the opposing character. Duration 4 fights. Each time this character activates a card, he suffers X magic damages where X equals the opposing character’s Spirit.

Nemaria’s trident. Uncommon. Runic Legion. Activates after the fight. Permanent. Attack +4. “Runic Warrior Agillian”: activates immediately.
Cor Rune and Nox Rune: The opposing characters have +2 to damage suffered. Cor Rune: The opposing character suffers 2 direct damages.

Resistance. Uncommon. Runic Legion. Warrior. At the end of the fight, if your character has less than 1 Health point, he heals 5. If the opposing character has less than 1 Health point, he suffers 5 direct damages. Chain. Cor Rune: -2 to physical and magic damage suffered. 2 Nox Runes: Permanent.

Protection of the Pantheon (and its two evolutions). Common. Action. Runic Legion. Defense +1 and gains a Cor Rune. The next Spell played by the opposing character is ignored and placed in his Hand. Chain Runic Item.

Priest diadem (and its two evolutions). Common. Jewel Item. Runic Legion. Warrior/Priest/Craftsman. Permanent. One copy of this card per character only. Spirit +2 and gains a Yr Rune.If this card is played by “Coranthia, Nemaria worshiper”: a the start of the fight, this character gains a Yr Rune.

Haresian force. Common. Action. Runic Legion. An opposing non-Item card attached to the opposing character is Discarded. Nox Rune: Choose another card attached to a character, it is Discarded. “Runic Lord Hares”: Chain


Reassured by their victory on the white islands, the Pirates free Flammara. New adventures start then, for better or for worse… but with explosives, whatever! This new reinforcement will please every Pirate Deck.

Technical improvisation. Rare. Action. Pirates. Craftsman. Choose up to 3 Items in play or in your Hand, they are withdrawn from the game.
The opposing character suffers 3 magic Fire damages +2 for each Pirate or Craftsman Item chosen.

Spark things off. Rare. Lightning Spell. Pirates. Mage. Choose an opposing character out of combat. He suffers X + 2 magic damages where X equals your character’s Spirit.The opposing character has Attack -3 and suffers X magic damages. Mage: Duration 2 turns. The damages of this card are upgraded by 1 to 2 for every other Lightning Spell in play (+5 maximum).

Flammara. (and his two evolutions). Uncommon. Character. Pirates. Fire Guemelite. Warrior. Spirit 0. Attack 6/8. Defense 1. Health points 9. Gain chain if you play a Powder Weapon. At the start of the game, “Flammara” gains 2 “Powder” tokens. At the end of the fight, “Flammara” loses 1 “Powder” token for each damage suffered this turn (4 maximum) and heals 1 Health point for each token lost that way. Turns 1, 3 and 4: Attack +1.

Pocket spy. Uncommon. Other Item. Craftsman. At the start of the fight, the opposing character gains his Order bonus and this card is attached to one of your characters. Pirate Humans have Attack +1 and Spirit +1. Permanent.

Mechanic hornet. Uncommon. Other Item. At the start of the turn, your characters who have at least one Powder Weapon and one “Powder” token attached to them gain Chain and have +2 to damage dealt until the end of the turn. Duration: 5 turns. Chain if your character has a least 2 “Powder” tokens attached to him.

Labor chain. Uncommon. Action. Craftsman. Defense +2 to Defense +3. Duration: 4 turns. Your craftsmen gain Chain if they play an Item. Chain Item.

What a mess!. Common. Action. Pirates. Craftsman.As this card activates and at the start of each fight, the opposing player can discard up to 2 cards. If he discards less than 2, the opposing character has -1 to magic damages and physic damages that he deals until the end of this turn for each Craftsman alive. Chain. Permanent.

Appropriation. Common. Action. Attack +1 and Defense +1 for each Item attached to the opposing character. Chain Item.

Sham powder. Common. Action. Pirates. A Powder weapon from your Deck is played and the characters in battle gain 3 “Powder” tokens. At the start of the turn, your characters who have more than one “Powder” Token attached to them, lose 2 of them and have Defense +1 and Spirit +1. Duration: 3 turns.

Enjoy the Game!

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