Nǐ hǎo dollz!
To mark the Chinese New Year, our team is bringing you replays of old quests, which will take you on a journey to Asia.
Discover the magnificent countries of these lands, whether through folklore, landscapes or culture, Asia offers us colorful and festive journeys.
During some days, take advantage of the return of these quests if you missed them, or to replay the ones you loved!
Information about the quests on replay:
The “Tokyo” 2016 quest
What if your job allowed you to leave OMD City to go all the way east to the land of the rising sun? Discover Tokyo, the city of a thousand faces balancing tradition and modernity, technology and respect for nature.
Throughout this quest, you can get the Japanese plains room (or its extension if you already have the room)

The “Japanese adventure” 2011 quest
Move to Tokyo with your new Japanese friends, join a J-pop group and eat at the best sushi restaurants! You may even meet a beautiful Japanese boy who will become the man of your life!
Throughout this quest with a double ending, you can get:
– the Mangaka job (Get a salary of 7$$$ en while working)
– the Movie Star job (Get a salary of 7$$$ while working)

The “Silk Road” 2016 quest
Get on a merchant ship heading for Far East and live a thrilling story in Mongolia and China, on the Silk Road!
Throughout this quest with a double ending, you can get:
– the Mongolia room (or its extension if you already have the room)
– the China room (or its extension if you already have the room)

Find the color variations of the objects you will need for the quests in the shopping center.

You can replay these quests until Sunday at 11.59pm (Paris time)

Enjoy the Chinese New Year on OhMyDollz!