Category Archives: Poney Vallée

New set: Naga

Deep in the Hagona swamps lies a big lake and at his border grow gigantic mushrooms. At the ground of this lake live the proud Nagas, big serpentine reptiles whose origins must be at least as old as the creation … Continue reading

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New exclusive set: Plains of Verteau + 50% off in store over the weekend

The plains of Verteau are a mythical part of the folklore of Patura. Legend has it that this place is haunted – others claim it would be a resting place for a sleeping god. All stories told by old ponies … Continue reading

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Vintage Pony: Bohemian

Noone knows freedom better than the Bohemian. Living each day as she pleases in a little wagon, stopping by everywhere she thinks live is worth living before the jurney carries her away again. Come and set your mind free!

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New set: Starry Beach

At the very north of Patura, where the wide land meets the huge ocean of Sagara, lies an enchanted beach which is called the Starry Beach. As the sky is never troubled with clouds but surprisingly the temperature still stays … Continue reading

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New set: Creole

If you happen to go to the Caribbean you might meet the jovial Creole. Friendly and playful by nature the Creole wears beautifully colored dresses with wonderful designs. Also do not miss the delicious cuisine that will delight your taste … Continue reading

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Vintage Pony: Exotic Fish

After the unusual Flower Fish, wouldnt you also want to peek at a fish, that is even more exotic? However, this is not such an easy task, because the Exotic Fish likes to hide in the high seaweed where nobody … Continue reading

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New set: Flower fish

Aloha, dear visitors! Do not forget your diving goggles, because we are up for a snorkeling adventure on Sagaras reefs! The flower fish has his habitat in this colorful environment and roams around in these aquatic flower fields to find … Continue reading

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New set: Brazil

Music and gorgeous colours come along with Brazil, now entering our valley! With large feathers representing the colours of her homeland, Brazil moves to the catching rhythm of samba and spreads energy and cheerfulness everywhere. How about you? Will you … Continue reading

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Vintage Pony: Indian Warrior

On the wide steppes of Appalaro lives the tribe of the wild indian warriors. Generally pacific, they currently are in a conflict with Industria’s men of law also known as Cowboys of Appalaro, who are defending a railway line that … Continue reading

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New Set: Lotus

Hardly any plant comes up with such a rich symbolism as the Lotus. As an allegory for purity, loyalty, creativity and enlightenment this beautiful flower enjoys a high reputation in Asian culture. But it’s not only fair symbolism the Lotus … Continue reading

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